Monday, April 30, 2007

Bloggers Unite For Peace

One Day Blog Silence


it is not the silence that unites us, it is the words spoken over and over by billions of people around the world every day who hope one day we can find a peaceful place to co-exist.

The words are for victims everywhere in the world, for soldiers who need our voice because they are couragiously working in silence, for victims of senseless violence, for abused children too young to stand up for themselves, for battered wives who've lost hope, for students now afraid to attend school, for people seaching for a better life outside the realm of their borders.

Yes, pictures speak a thousand words but a voice speaks volumes.


[Banner courtesy of Mo at It's A Blog Eat Blog World]


Sandee said...

Exactly. Excellent!

Sarge Charlie said...

That would be utopia, the problem is that our history of violence can be traced back to the cave man, so far we have not been able to control the actions of others, it would be wonderful, an old soldiers heart longs for peace, not likely to happen.

thethinker said...

Beautifully stated.

jbwritergirl said...

I agree Sarge, we've got caught up in all the hype of bigger and better, oil and power, religion versus religion and man against man for whatever reasons pleases them at the time.

Crazy faacking world we live in!!!

Jeremy Jacobs said...

any conspiracy theories about Virginia Tech yet?

Mimi Lenox said...

Well said.